HHRC Staff Retreat

On July 26th, the six staff members at the HHRC took the day for our annual staff retreat. We began bright and early at the Hudson Museum at the University of Maine, Orono for a fascinating tour about how to create displays using an educational lens led by Director Gretchen Faulkner. We explored the extraordinary permanent collection, the ways in which to preserve artifacts, and the staff and volunteers who make all of this work possible. Should you get an opportunity to visit the museum, check out the Tlingit Frog Clan Helmet on display and a replica of it created by University students using their expertise on 3D printing. We then made our way to Bar Harbor for a picnic lunch on the town green and then off to the Abbe Museum for a thought-provoking program on deconstructing stereotypes about Indigenous People led by Curator of Education Christiana Becker. Wandering through the exhibit rooms, we were impressed by the beautiful presentation and depth of information. If you get a chance to visit the Abbe, don't miss the room with Indigenous children's artwork. Reconvening in the town square, we debriefed, snapped photos, sampled lollypops, and, with so much to think about, headed for home.


Dagger of the Mind


Teaching Antisemitism